From Lora: 6-19-24, Thank you so much for the healing. I really needed that! My mom is with me a lot. She knows I need her. My shoulders and throat needed help. Thanks again.
From Hannah C: 6-19-24, Thanks, Matthew! That definitely makes sense to me. I felt my face warming as, I assumed, you were sending (healing.)
Hannah C.
Alli R.: Matthew is a gifted and compassionate evidential medium. When Matthew read for me, I felt safe, the evidence he brought through, left me with no doubt, that he had connected with my sister. It took me back to treasured memories and moments. Yes, I was emotional, but, it made me smile and I felt lifted. His delivery of her message to me was very accurate and relevant- like she was in the room. I absolutely recommend Matthew as an evidential medium, thank you Matthew for connecting me to my sister. 😊
Alli R.
Susan, June 2024, Hey Matthew, that was so, so good. My Dad mentioned rejuvenated and that would be that he is now, which is something which was really important to him. Also, he talked about taking time and I was just thinking this week that my Dad doesn't come through to me much, although he has been gone for some time. So his reference to time made me think about that. It was all accurate and I am really grateful as I was beginning to wonder why he wouldn't come through. And now he has. Thank you.
Patty: June 14, 2024, It was great meeting you Mathew. Thank you both for the mega reading. All the information was very accurate. Let’s do it again sometime. Have a great weekend! 😄❤️
Susan L. April 24, 2024, Thank you. My mom was my best friend I could trust & confide in her always., Vice /Versa and the animals. We both love our dogs …I loved it !! Thank you so much for the lovely read ❤️🙏😇 You said trash and I just listened the other nite to an older VM where mom complained About the caregiver & the trash cans My best friend passed last July. She was like a sister. 11year friendship . We had a dog connection as well and confided in each other; she has a husband still
Susan L.
Mary, 8-31-23, Excellent evidence!! her name is mary, my gm ,she lived with tenacity a rope factory yes I am passionate about conversing with spirit progressive learning forever, we watch Mary popping we have the same personality and you had her essence, carol connects on earthplane and I just remembered her friend Elizabeth passed 3_weeks a ago Passionate yes, dedicated and a year with paul jacobs ,yes disciplined Thanku matt, you captured her essence our birthdays were this week mine was yesterday hers the 27 she was divorced so I call that single thanks very much